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Before & After Care

Before School Care: 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.

After School Care: 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Student Drop-off & Pick-up

Please Use Ring Doorbell or Call 720-665-0113

BAC Google Website

Before & After Care at Montessori Peaks Academy

Welcome to MPA's Before & After School Program 

The Montessori Peaks Academy (MPA) Before and After School Care Program (BAS) is a Colorado Department of Early Childhood (CDEC) licensed program for students aged 3-12 enrolled at MPA. 

Our BAS program adheres to Colorado Department of Early Childhood (CDEC) guidelines to ensure student safety.  Per CDEC Guidelines, our program must maintain a specific staff-to-child ratio at all times and not exceed the mandated maximum group size regulation; therefore, spaces are limited and will be based on a first come first serve basis. If the program is at capacity, please contact our program coordinator if you want to be placed on our waitlist. 

The Before and After School Program is NOT provided for MPA middle school students (7th and 8th grade students age 12-14) 


Registration Fee:

  • $50 per Student
  • $75 per family

Before School: $11.00 a day
After School: $22.00 a day



Contact the Director Mr. James to be put on a waitlist at


Our BAS program staff is committed to providing students a fun and safe environment to start and end their school day.  

The BAS environment presents students with a wide variety of age-appropriate options ranging from toys and crafts to physical activities and leadership opportunities.  

Together, staff and students work to uphold Montessori values and philosophies out of the classroom. 

Our Goal

Our goal for the updated website is to improve ease of use and provide Before and After School Care families with updated program resources and information.  

Some updates and improvements we are aiming to provide include: staff lists, monthly snack calendars, monthly activity calendars for each age group, program contact information, enrollment/registration forms and so much more we are excited to share with families!