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Library & Research

About MPA's Library

The library and computer lab are managed by Heather Walter, our Librarian and Tech Teacher, and Melissa Stauch, part-time Librarian, along with a wonderful group of Student Librarians and some very helpful parent volunteers. 

Kindergarten and elementary students visit the library with their classes weekly.  Parents and their preschoolers are welcome to stop in most weeks on Thursday mornings between 11:00-11:30 or Thursday afternoons between 3:00-3:30. 

The MPA Library has a wide assortment of books for kids, including non-fiction, award-winning fiction, colorful picture books, and current reference materials.

Students learn how to maneuver around the library, utilize library resources, and locate books for free-reading, research, and writing resources. Students also learn behavioral expectations for all types of libraries around the world, such as quiet voices and calm bodies, and are encouraged to practice those in our own school library.  We also talk about how fortunate we are to have libraries for everyone to use and what life would be like without books. 

Elementary students take part in tech lessons using Chromebooks to learn keyboarding, online safety and courtesy, how to navigate the web to find safe, reliable sources of information, and tools to present their information in creative, informative ways. 

Our goal is to help the students feel totally at home in a library, finding information, and seeking out the peace and contentment found in burying themselves in a good book, learning to make books part of their every day lives.


MPA Library Catalog

Here is the link to our MPA Library Catalog.

Checking Out Library Books

Remember, in our library: 

  • Students may only have one of each of the following items at a time. They may also have no more than one of these on hold at any time.
    • Graphic Novels
    • Lego Books
    • Weird But True
    • Audiobooks
    • Diary of a Wimpy Kid
  • Kindergartners may have 1 book out at a time.
  • LE (1st-2nd-3rd) may have 3 books at a time. (plus up to 1 more for classroom assignments)
  • UE (4th-5th-6th) may have 5 books at a time. (plus up to 3 more for classroom assignments)

Specific directions on how to sign into the MPA Library Catalog


Contact Us

Librarian and Tech Teachers

Phone: 303-972-2627 x 103

Heather Walter