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Grading & Report Cards

Why don't Montessori Teachers give grades?

As a charter school, our students receive report cards in January and May of each school year. 

You may notice, however, some differences between  an MPA report card and a traditional school report card.

  • Your child will not receive a traditional number or letter grade. This is, in part, because "Grades, like other external rewards, have little lasting effect on a child's efforts or achievements" (AMS n.d.).
  • You will also see a section on Skills and Behaviors that Support Learning.  These are the social-emotional, executive functioning, and other non-academic skills that Montessorians have identified as essential to your child's success in both academics and life. 
  • In the academic content section, your student is evaluated on their interest and development in each core content area as well as their progress on grade-level standards. 

Rest assured that, while your child's teacher is not assigning a traditional grade, they "closely and continuously observe each child's progress and readiness to advance to new lessons" (AMS, n.d.).  Montessorians are meticulous record-keepers who base their instruction on the needs of each child while ensuring that all students are exposed to grade-level content.  

Parent-Teacher Conferences

In addition to twice-per-year report cards, your child's teacher will schedule fall and spring conferences with you to discuss how your child is doing both academically and personally.  You or your child's teacher may request additional conferences throughout the school year as well.

Fall conferences are generally between the teacher and the child's adult(s) though the child may be invited to attend.  Spring conferences are often student lead where the child gives a lesson to their adult(s) and may share a portfolio or self-evaluation.  Any conversations between the teacher and caregiver(s) about the student will be scheduled for a different time.