Assessments at MPA
While we try to minimize formal, computer-based assessments at MPA, we do recognize the value of collecting data through a normed test and the need to progress monitor struggling students to make sure we are meeting their needs.
Montessori teachers do daily observations, lesson recordkeeping, 1:1 student meetings, and other items to track student academic and social-emotional success in the classroom. They use informal assessments based in Montessori philosophy and practice as well as a Scope and Sequence to move students through lessons while meeting them where they are at. Individualized education is a hallmark of the Montessori classroom!
As a Jeffco Public Charter School, MPA administers the following assessments:
DIBELS 8 - Given three times per year plus any interim progress monitoring for all Kg - 3rd students, and 4th - 8th students on a READ Plan. D8 is a one-minute per subsection set of assessments that tests students skills in the 5 Basic Early Literacy Skills: Phonemic awareness, alphabetic principle and phonics, accurate and fluent reading, reading comprehension, and vocabulary.
NWEA MAP (Measures of Academic Success) - Given to students grades 1 - 8, MAP tests math and reading skills. MAP is an adaptive test, which means it adjusts the questions students see depending on whether or not the answered a previous question or questions correctly.
CogAT (Cognitive Abilities Test) - MPA administers the CogAT to all 2nd grade students in October. CogAT measures students' abstract reasoning and problem-solving skills as opposed to an achievement test such as MAP.
CMAS (Colorado Measures of Academic Success) - CMAS is Colorado's summative assessment for language arts and math for grades 3-8 (at MPA), and science for grades 5 and 8. CMAS is mandated by the Colorado Department of Education and is aligned to the Colorado State Academic Standards.
KEA (Kindergarten Entry Assessment) - KEA is a survey that measures a student's readiness for kindergarten and is part of the Kindergarten School Readiness assessments in Colorado. KEA is completed during the first 60 days of kindergarten.
Assessments in Jeffco
Assessments inform instruction and monitor student progress. Assessments should:
- Add value to the student learning experience.
- Engage families in supporting their students.
- Help identify strengths, interests and opportunities for growth for all students.
A collection of assessment results can be used to help set goals, identify priorities and inform equity of access to grade-level learning.
Individual schools determine which additional assessments will support their specific student population’s learning. Each school will select specific dates within the district-provided assessment windows.
Some assessments are required by federal or state law; see information regarding state assessment participation. Families can refuse participation in state assessments for their students. Contact your student's school if you have questions about test refusals.
How to View Assessment Data on Student Insights Jeffco Elementary Assessment Schedule Jeffco Secondary Assessment Schedule