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Job Seekers

Now Accepting Applications for 2024-2025 School Year:

Facility Manager Position

Lead Teacher Positions

Elementary Teaching Assistant

Middle School Assistant

Lead After Care Primary Teacher

Always accepting applications for the following jobs. We are seeking bright, energetic and collaborative individuals to join our team. Resumes and applications sent will be kept on file in case a new or different position becomes available, and we will reach out to you as positions open.

Primary Teaching Assistant: Job description

Facilities Technician: Job description

After Care Assistant: Job description

Guest Teachers

All levels - $21.00 per hour

A great way to make some extra money. Not all jobs are a full day. We have many days that only a few hours need coverage. 
You get to select what grade levels you want to teach in. All candidates must clear a background check.

Download an Employment Application

Please send completed employment application, resume and cover letter to