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Frequently Asked Questions

(Subject to change based on Jeffco lottery rules updates)

Do I need to attend a Wednesday morning tour?

Yes. You should be familiar with our program before you apply. If you receive an enrollment offer, we are unable to give tours in the two-business day acceptance window.

When is the First Round Choice Enrollment?

First choice enrollment forms are accepted from December 5, 2024 until January 17, 2025, during Jeffco's Open Enrollment window. 

How are students prioritized for enrollment?

MPA follows Jeffco Public Schools choice enrollment guidelines.

A lottery for available spaces at each level is conducted  shortly after the first round of choice enrollment closes.  Available spaces are filled in the following order:

  1. Siblings of current MPA students. 
  2. Child of full-time staff at the school. 
  3. Jeffco resident 
  4. Non-Jeffco resident

How will I know if my student is offered a space?

If your student is chosen in the initial lottery, we will call you and offer you a space. You will have two business days to let us know you have accepted the space.  If we do not hear from you in two business days, we will go to the next person on the list and your offer will expire. After accepting the space, you will need to come to the school and finalize acceptance paperwork. Preschool families will also need to pay a $50 application fee and a $200 deposit which is applied to your 1st month’s tuition.

Students placed on our wait list will receive a letter. Let us know if you wish to remain on the waitlist so we can call you as soon as a space becomes available.

What happens if you submit an enrollment form after 1/17/25?

Enrollment forms received after January 17th will be added to the appropriate wait list.

Do siblings have priority enrollment?

Yes. If your student already has a sibling at MPA they are in the first pool. If you are new to MPA and you apply for more than one child, and one offered a space, we will do our best to get their siblings into MPA as well.

How old does my child need to be to attend MPA?

Primary age children must be three by October 1st of the school year they will be attending to enroll. Primary students also expected to be using the toilet independently. Kindergarten students must be five by October 1st of the school year they will be attending.

Do I need to pre-register for a tour?

Yes, please see our Tours Webpage.

Can I bring my child to the Wed. morning tour?

Please try to make other arrangements for your children for your tour. The tours are usually boring for children since most of the tour is quiet adult talking and silent observation of classroom environments. 

Do you have tours at any other times?

We do not have the capacity in our schedules to make individual tour appointments or to have tours at other times.

How long are the Wed. morning tours?

The tours last approximately one hour.

Is there a bus service to MPA?

No, there is not.

Are there fees for MPA's programs?

Registration and Fees

Are there scholarships for preschool students?

No, we do not have scholarships at this time.

What if I live out of state?

We understand the logistical difficulties associated with moving and registration requirements. If you live out of state, you may print the Choice Enrollment Form and mail or fax it to us. You would be considered an Out-of-District Resident.

What are your class sizes?

Primary classrooms have up to 20 students at any given time with a Montessori trained lead teacher and a full-time teaching assistant.

Elementary and Middle School classrooms have 26-30 in the room with a Montessori trained lead teacher and a full-time assistant.

Do you have before and after school programs?

Yes, we offer both.  BAC Program

Can I apply to more than one school in Jefferson County?

Yes, at this time you are able to fill out Choice Enrollment/Preschool applications for many programs.

Do I get to choose my student’s teacher?

The staff manages the process of placement, taking into consideration the mix of students including balancing the class for gender and mix of age/grade levels.