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Highest Priority Volunteer Needs


Thank you so much for supporting the students and staff of MPA by giving of your time. No matter where you help out, you make a difference. Our families' time, energy, gifts, and talents enable us to continue offering exceptional programming and help build the strong sense of community we have at MPA. Whether you have ten minutes or a couple of hours at a time, can come into the school or want to help from home, there is a volunteer opportunity for you! Per the MPA handbook we ask that each family volunteers 50 hours per year (25 hours for single parent households). Check out the list in the form below for ways to help and how to get involved.

Volunteer Interest Form

Don't forget to record your hours!

Log your hours

If you will be volunteering in the school building or with the students, you will need to check in at the front office when you arrive. You will need to bring a valid, state issued Driver's License or Picture ID. We utilize the Raptor System to process background checks each time you sign into the building. This is one way we ensure the safety of all our students, staff, and volunteers. We thank you in advance for supporting this process. Depending on the volunteer activity, you may also be asked to fill out a confidentiality form.

We have several opportunities to volunteer and we will be updating the list throughout the year so make sure to check back often! Please also watch for opportunities in school-wide and classroom newsletters. You can view the list of opportunities and contacts below as well as visiting our PTA website that lists many opportunities during the school year.

MPA PTA Website

Volunteering from Home

30 minutes or less

PTA Events - (Back to school social, Student socials, End of year social, Trunk or treat, etc.) creating event flyers, posters, graphics, etc. For more information, email

Classroom Support - Laminating, Cutting, Sorting, prepping worksheets, scholastic book club flyers. For more information, contact your Classroom Teacher.

PTA Fundraising: help us plan, execute, answer emails, prepare promotional materials from home for spring fundraising. For more information, email

Staff Appreciation meals. For more information, email

1-2 hours

Classroom Support - Laminating, Cutting, Sorting, prepping worksheets, scholastic book club flyers. For more information, contact your Classroom Teacher.

Volunteering at the School

30 min or less

Morning Hug and Drop - Open car doors and greet students for the day. For more information, contact Heather Walter at

1-2 hours

Classroom Support - Read with Students, helping with various projects, practice math facts, and more! For more information, contact your Classroom Teacher.

Help serve lunches and prep snacks for the next day in the Servery.  For more information contact Ms. Shannon at 

PTA Cash counting for fundraisers, teacher appreciation days, etc. For more information, email

2+ hours

STEM Club - we are always looking for STEM Club coaches: email

Book Fair - Help with set up, Help day of with student shopping and cashier, help with clean up.

Sign up here

Garden Committee - see our website!

Monetary Donations

If you are interested in making a monetary donation to MPA please visit Ms. Jen Webb, our financial manager, in the main office. Donations have been given in the past and it is much appreciated. Donations can be designated directly to classrooms or to MPA to use as needs arise.