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Parent Teacher Association

PTA Meetings

PTA meetings are at 8:30am on the first Friday of every month in the North Building auditorium.

Stock the Lounge!

Our teacher appreciation team is working to help stock the teachers lounge with snacks and a few other miscellaneous items. This month we would like to invite our Primary families to help stock the lounge. Please see the this sign up genius for what we need to help stock the lounge:

Lounge Sign-Up

Upcoming Events

More information coming soon on the following events:

Primary Social 4/27/25

Lower Elementary Social 4/6/25

Upper Elementary Social 4/12/25

Middle School Social 4/13/25

Community Swap

Art Night


 We are looking for anyone who is interested in being President, secretary or to a fill a one year term as a treasurer! If you are interested in filling any of these roles please email

There Is No Wrong Way To PTA. How Do You PTA?

Spirit Wear

Thank you to everyone who participated in voting for new Spirit Wear designs! We are excited to announce that the revamped Spirit Wear is LIVE! These would make excellent holiday gifts!

Take a look at the new designs and offerings here:

MPA Spirit Wear

Thank you to Amber Hill for all her hard work on this!


Stem Club still has a few spaces open (Coaches - we waive your fee!) i! There is 1 space open on Thursdays and 12 for Wednesdays. f you are interested please use this link to sign up:

We still need a couple of STEM club coaches and subs. If you are interested please email